Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Revenge- One of human natures faults. An Act of retaliating in order to get even. When someone insults us or hurts our feelings we want to avenge and get satisfaction. But to be vindictive is not always satisfing. One sometimes just hurts themself by acting on the desire for revenge. Sometimes its best to just let it go and forgive or forget it. Forgiving can be a much better solution for the soul. It makes you a better person than the one that did the act of insult or hurt to begin with. I forgive you, will you forgive me?

1 comment:

One Man and his Dogs said...

Very good thoughts. Not trying to take revenge, or at any rate not holding a grudge is one of the hardest things to do. But all too often it is the person who feels wronged who suffers most if they retain bitterness. Particularly if an imagined slight was actually unintentional.

One good thing about getting older is that, in my case, anyway, I find it easier to let things go rather than getting,as they say in Liverpool UK, "all aeriated" about them :-)