Monday, September 1, 2008


Drama! What is it really... a play, theater as an art, sensational event, or emotionalism!!! There is not one of us that does not use or has had a little drama in there life. Some of us love Drama and some can not deal with it. Is there anyone out there that does not like to play? OR see a play! Theater is an Art and has been entertaining us for ages. Everyone loves a sensational event. Like that first kiss, engagements, Marriages, Giving birth to a baby girl or boy, holding your first grandchild, getting your first car, or buying your first home, don't forget catching your first fish or shooting your first big buck! I could go on and on with sensational events. Then there is can feel emotional falling in love, when a relationship ends, when someone becomes terminally ill, or a loved one dies. Drama is part of our daily lives in one way or another.

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