Monday, July 28, 2008

My Birthday!!!!! What a day!!!! 07/07/07

Hi everyone, I have been out of it for a while. I had my surgery and very sore now, but it went well. I'm on drugs so it seems a little weird writing on this laptop. But I will try to make sence. I had my birthday yesterday, you know the GREAT ONE. 07/07/,,,, Only one in my life time. .But I wont say how old I am, its just toooo shockin to say and I'm afraid I will blow some fuses in my head. hahhaaa ...... I'm staying at my daughters for a little while and they fixed a great dinner and birthday cake. Kyla set off fireworks for me just before bed time. It was a great ending to my big day. Renee gave me a lottery ticket so I will check it this morning to see if I won anything.... so wish me luck, everyone have a great day.

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