Saturday, December 13, 2008


DID YOU EVER!!! I was fixing a lettuce and tomato salad. I shredded the lettuce and cut the tomatoe up in chunks and tossed them together in a bowl. I then took a small mixing dish down from the cabinet to mix my oil and vinegar dressing, that I love. I like the Bertolli Extra Light Olive oil, because it has a delicate light taste. I use the Balsamic Vinegar of Modena just because I like how it tastes. Then I add 1/2 teas. each of dried basil, oregano, parsley, celery salt and fresh minced garlic. And a little sea salt when I'm ready to eat it. Sooo, as I was just putting in the last of this list , the garlic....the dish tips over and it all spatters down the kitchen drawers and all over the floor and on my bare feet. Poor Hayle (my yorkie), didn't know what was the matter as I was yelling all kinds of bad words......What a mess!!!! So needless to say I had to clean up the mess and start all over. Finally I got to sit down and eat my salad.

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