Saturday, August 14, 2010

Saturday Laundry Day!

Saturdays were known as Laundry day, when I was growing up. It started early and most Saturdays took all day. The electric washing machines were rare back in the 1950‘s. My mom had the Montgomery Ward Washing Roller Machine.
I started helping my mom do the laundry when I was very young…six or seven years old I think. I remember watching her use the ringer washer, where the tub had these two ringers (rollers) on top and you would put the cloths between the ringers and then the ringers would squeeze the water out as it turned and rolled them through the two rollers. Then you would drain the water out of the tub and start with the rinse water, doing the same thing. I was fascinated by how it worked. One day I was helping her and as I put some clothes in the ringer my hand went between the ringer with the clothes and it just kelp going, pulling it in deeper. It hurt and I was screaming for help. It took a few minutes for my mom to get my hand free, but it felt like forever. Sorry to say these washing machines were not very kid friendly. I also remember her using a wash board, it was made from wood and glass. You would put soap on the clothes, then rub them on the boards glass ridges. It would somehow help get the clothes clean when heavily soiled. I still have that wash board to this day…it is at my daughters house in storage!
I have to admit, I do like new technology and the Machine Age. The washing Machines today, agitate and spin the clothes around in the tub. They are much safer to use, you just choose the settings, put soap and the clothes in and push start. You can walk away and it will buzz when its done. Now laundry can be done any day of the week and finished in about 2 hours (depending on how much laundry you have to do). I’m just thankful we never had to take the clothes down to the creek and beat them on a rock, like was done before my mom’s time.
A friend recently wrote to me that his daughter, apparently still believes the hamper does the laundry - you drop it in the hamper and it appears later folded on your bed.
Haha… I never looked at laundry like that before. (done by the laundry basket or hamper).

trm Copyright 2010

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Movie "Crazy Heart" with Jeff Bridges

The movie "Crazy Heart" with Jeff Bridges, Maggie Gyllenhaal and Robert Duvall was very good. I didn't know Jeff could sing, and I have to say very good.

Jeff plays aging country singer, Bad Blake...a story of him becoming an alcoholic after way too many marriages, and many years on the road. He is a loner, who travels the backroads, playing his music to small crowds in bowling alleys and bars.

When he meets Jean (Maggie Gyllenhaal) decides to sober up. This is a very touching story.

So put this movie on your must see list!

The Finger!

You come in all sizes! You extend yourself to others.

When used often affect motion.

You leave lines so one may know you.

You like to play with shape and sometimes have tips of color!

trm Copyright 2009


I need you. Even though you can kill me!

Your social and people gather around you.

Can’t smell or taste you, even when your hot or cold.

You can circulate through my body.

You move waveless in the bed.

Your body has much force and is very strong.

You even rise and fall like the tide.

You must have balance in areas large or small.

trm Copyright 2009

The Door!

Everyone comes and goes but you stay.

We don’t give much thought to how you look.

We pull and push and you take it from the strongest of us all.

Some men stand by you others see right through you.

We often lean on you!

trm Copyright 2009

The Envelope!

You came today even though I wasn’t looking for you.

With you came a wonderful gift of surprise.

I laugh out loud, hell, I even cried.

You held the tangent line of it so well.

Within, even a hint of smell from his touch.

trm Copyright 2009


I missed you today! I went without your warmth upon my body.

I didn’t feel like going out in the chilled air, that you leave when your not here.

Things just don’t look the same. When you’re here things glow, they even grow.

You make everything shine, and radiate heat from the ground up.

I can stand still and feel your warmth on my skin. It gives me energy and makes me feel alive.

I go to bed and hope that as morning dawns you will appear again!

What am I?

trm copyright 2009

First Meetings!

My loving owner put my lease on me and took me out for a walk. We were walking for a while and all I can see is these boxes with wheels on them. Then I smell something like bananas and peanut butter. There was a big human sitting in a chair holding a cat. Now Cats are ok, but I just don’t like their stinky, musky smell or the way their strange eyes look right through me. Most of them are not friendly. They make this swish sound, opening their mouth and showing big dirty, sharp teeth, arching their back with the hair standing up, then they raise their claws, like this is going to scare me! Yeah! Right! That’a be the day when this Yorky freaks out! haha

We walked a little further and I had to squat on some grass to pee. The grass is hard to find in this place. It’s mostly pavement and gravel. I’d been holding it for a while now. So it felt good to let it go finally. We had been walking for a while when another human smelling of smoke and some kind of meat, “bacon I think” (yes I know what bacon is), comes near us holding a lease, attached was a small Red haired Yorky running toward me. There he was…RED, straight hair, but standing shorter than me. (I was thinking, “I like the way he walks”). I couldn’t help smelling of his butt. At the same time he smells of mine. I know, I know, it’s a dog thing! Then he gets all excited, and… and a little aggressive for me. I’m not sure what he is thinking, but it’s not to my liking. He touches my butt again with his cold wet nose. He gets more excited and playful even, but I don’t feel like playing with this red haired stranger. Oops… he is trying to get too close to my butt now…I’m thinking he may mount it any minute. And no one mounts me, unless I say they can! And it’s not going to happen today. I’m just not ready for that! Now maybe a. month ago, I would have put my butt in his face, and danced a little for any attention I could get. But not now, not today!

I start growling a little at him to leave me alone, then I get close to my owners feet, so she will pick me up. Thank goodness, she understands just what I’m thinking and reaches down to pick me up. The red hair male stud is looking up at me and shaking his tale. Oh gosh, now he’s standing on his hind legs and jumping around with his tounge hanging out. Now you gotta give him credit he is trying! I think he’s friendly and all, but I’m just not into him today. I’m sure oh Red and I will meet again! ‘Cause I know where he lives. I’m all done with my walk and Reds dancing, and just want to curl up on the couch next to my owner, where it’s nice and warm!

trm copyright 2009

Not feeling well...have a sore throat!

I went to visit a friend in Hospital the other day! Yesterday I woke up with my throat hurting and a little sore. Its not any better today. Think I will just stay in bed all day! Maybe it will be better tomorrow.
I hate the smell of a Hospital, the food is never good. You can't get any rest in them. About the time you doze off to sleep a nurse comes in and wakes you. Its always time for a shot, or for them to take blood.

If your feeling good before you go in may not be for long. Cause you can catch anything after you visit one!

I know...I know, I'm just feeling bad and cranky!

Creamy International Delight!

It was early morning and I poured a cup of coffee. I took a french vanilla creamer single from the box, to add in my coffee. I snapped the small tab backwords and pulled on it to open, but it didn't budge. I pulled and tugged some more trying to open it. But it just was not working with me.

The top covering is so thin, looks very easy to poke a hole in it. I was being very careful not to spill it. Its very small and so good. I wanted all of it in my cup of coffee and not on the counter. So I'm still tugging and it just will not open. After a minute or two, I'm getting more aggressive with it. Really needing that cup of coffee this morning.

So I start adding more force and when I do, it finally opens up and the thin foil on top tears, the cream spills on to my hands, splatters onto my face and all over the front of me. I have on this low cut tank top this morning so most of the cream is on me. Now this stuff is so good I start licking it off my fingers, face, shoulders and chest. if you have ever tasted this delightful cream, well you know how good and sinful it tastes. So here I am licking and trying to get every drop off of me.

By the time I got most of it off, I look down and there is little left in the packet, so I put that in my mouth....mmmm so good. Not wanting to waist a drop of it. Then I reach for another packet to put in my cup of coffee. The second one opened up easier and I poured it into the cup. mmmmmmm so creamy delightful!

trm copywrite 2009

Craving your touch!

Rocking our world

you gently touch me

no one else can

your hardness stirs emotions

so intently inside me

increases with kisses

warm flashes of heat

culmination high and higher

passion between sheets

alone you and me

trm copywrite 2009

My Lovers Halloween Prank!

Bob was a romantic at heart, who loved to joke and make me laugh. He was my high school sweetheart, friend and loving husband. He had his own business, drilling water wells around the lake area, here in Eastern Oklahoma. Most days he would finish early and get home before noon. He loved coming home during the day, while the kids were in school, we could have some private time alone.

It was just days before Halloween and he finished the water well early, he liked surprising me in the middle of the day. It was about 10:30 a.m. and I had been cleaning all morning, not taking time for myself. I thought a long hot shower would be nice.

So I was in the shower when he came in and I didn’t hear him. Well he thought, this would be a good time to scare me in the shower. He went to our daughters room and got the Halloween mask and overalls, that were still hanging behind her door, from the night before. He had put them there to scare her and her friend, that had spent the night.

The overalls were brown thermal with zippers up the side of each leg making them easy to get on or off. The mask was one that covered your whole head, it had hair and was very ugly. Looked like the ugliest old man ever, with a big nose and ears, it even had scars, and big warts on the ears and face.

He put them on, and came into our bedroom, and into the master bath where I was in the shower. When he stepped in front of the glass shower door, I had my back to him and was washing my hair. As I turned around to wash the soap away, I saw something at the door, but with water and soap all over my face couldn’t quite make it out. At that very moment, he swings the door open and started to make a scary sound, but I screamed and backed up to the wall behind me, wanting to get away. My legs went weak I could not catch my breathe and thought I would faint. He saw I was terrified and took the mask off, so I would see it was him. But I still could not move, I was so weak. I raise my hand to hit him, but only managed to tap him on his nose for scaring me. Well this small jester amused him so, he laugh so hard, and went to sit on the bed, still laughing at me and my reaction. I was never so scared and wanted to hit him for it. But I could only laugh too. I finally gained my composure and ran from the shower dripping wet and jumped on top of him, trying to act angry at him for scaring me like that. We lay there laughing for a bit. Then he took me in his arms and we made love...a Halloween delight!

trm copywrite 10/29/2009

Another Holiday outing!

The telephone was ringing, as the ole lady picked up, heard, "are you coming"? The loud, young voice ringing in her ear! The ole lady said, "Yes dear, I'll be ready"! The ole lady hung up the phone. She sat there in the hall chair for a bit. Wondering what to wear to this, Holy Wednesday! The little ole lady didn't have many dresses in her almost empty closet. She walked slowly with a limp, her left leg was hurting still, from the pain of staying in bed to long that morning.

She opened the closet door and reached for the dark blue dress. Thoughts of the last time she wore it came to mind. Like today, it was another Holiday. The Buhe ceremony, the young boys singing songs of praise, while bread called, mulmul, was given to them. Everyone standing by the Chibo burning high into the night. It was wonderful.

The little ole lady passed on the dark blue and decided to wear the green suit with white collar this time. She wanted to look her best today. It was just a week before Easter. This was her favorite time of year, the trees putting on new leaves, flowers in bloom, and the grass turning green. She looked so lovely in her green suit and her gray hair pulled back behind her delicate ears. As she was helped into her nieces car....

trm copywrite 10/28/2009

Traffic that smells!

Kyla and I walked into the Hair and Nail Salon, Saturday morning about 10 AM. The Salon was full already and kids running around. My appointment was to get my hair trimmed and styled. Kyla was getting her nails done. Denise motioned for me to follow her over to the sink to wash my hair. She wrapped the towel around my neck and reclined the chair. When she was done told me to have a seat over there, motioning to a empty seat next to a big lady that looked to be about 45 years old. Two young boys running around her and making all kinds of noise screaming and hitting. Kyla was sitting across the room where they do nails. Denise carefully cutting my hair and asking about my love life.

While I sat there telling her about my last date. We heard something that sounded like a big "ooooozzzyy", fart. That seem to go on for sometime. I was thinking my god, who has that much intestinal gas in them. I knew it wasn’t me making that awful sound and it wasn’t coming from Denise. Well, I knew where the sound had to be coming from, yes your right, the lady next to me! She was shifting her weight around and yelling to her boys, stop that running. The girl fixing her hair had walked away and was saying something to the girl that was doing Kyla’s nails across the room.

The traffic in the Salon was very busy and ladies were waiting in line to get their hair done. It seemed like instantly as the sound of "ooozz" stopped Denise and I got a whiff of it. The smell was so bad, there was no way we could keep a straight face, let alone breathe. Denise ask was that you? I gave her a surprise, shocked face, that she would even think it was me, I said,I DID NOT! About that time Denise turns on the hair dryer. I thought she was going to dry my hair, but instead she aimed it at the ladies chair. Oh my god! When she did that, the smell went all over the place. The ladies were moving around, trying to get away from that awful smell. Most of the ladies waiting just left the Salon. Gasping for air! Denise and I was cracking up. The lady that did it was laughing too, and said, well you’d think they never smelt their own farts before. When I dropped Kyla off at home, she could not wait to tell her mom, all about the traffic and smells, going on at the Salon!

trm Copyright -2009

My grandson Jake's first birthday!

My grandson Jake's first birthday!

Yes my name is Jake....its my birthday and I'm One, party gifts, with a cake.

To get where I am going I crawl, I can even throw a ball.

But a step I have yet to take, yes, my name is Jake!

by Tina Moore